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100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Mar 26, 2020

On this week’s show Holly and I uncover the good, the bad and the ugly for  the Enneagram Type Nine - The Peacemaker. As always, we talk about the self-care practices which are specific to the Nines of the world to keep them in the healthy realm.

Show notes:

Mar 19, 2020

It’s been a WEEK. Anxious feelings have been hanging around me as a response to all the uncertainty and lack of leadership.

I’ve been using all my tools to help me feel better:

  • deeply listening to my intuition about my health
  • sitting in the discomfort of disappointing people
  • canceling nonessential in person...

Mar 12, 2020

On this week’s show Holly and I uncover the good, the bad and the ugly for  the Enneagram Type Seven - The Enthusiast. Lots of people say they wish they were Sevens, but there's a dark side to all that fun. As always, we talk about the self-care practices which are specific to the Sevenss of the world.

Are you an...

Mar 5, 2020

On this week’s show Holly and I uncover the good, the bad and the ugly for  the Enneagram Type Six - The Loyalist. I went into this interview thinking one way about Sixes and had my mind blown at the information Holly showed up with.

Turns out, Sixes may run the world. And as always, we talk about the self-care...